Nuclear Power Plant 
Over View
It has been established that if New York’s population and energy requirements continue to rise at its current rate, New York will run out of energy by the year 2015.  The state of New York has already reached its limit of coal and natural gas burning facilities as defined by the Environmental Protection Agency, therefore  New York State Department of Energy Resources  believes that the appropriate and necessary action for New York to follow is to construct a nuclear power plant in Oswego County, New York.  NYSDER believes that the construction of a nuclear power plant in this location will supply the state of New York with enough power to last throughout the year 2090.  An energy resource of this magnitude can allow the state of New York to be a competitive retailer of energy on the wholesale market.


102 Consultant Group is determined to evaluate New York’s current energy situation and decide what is the best way to subdue and overtake this particular crisis.  We believe that careful analysis of all the economic and environmental factors that are involved in this situation will help in our decision to recommend that Oswego County agree with the state or try and fight the proposed construction.  There will be many items factored into our decision that will be discussed in more detail later in the proposal.  We understand New York’s problems and needs and are highly motivated to determine if its needs exceed the ramifications that Oswego County will endure. 

We are aware of NYSDER’s concerns regarding the need for a new energy resource.  With the ongoing blackouts throughout California and the rise in demand for energy due to the use of computing and related technologies it is clear that New York must reevaluate its future energy demand. 

  102 Consulting Group has been researching information regarding nuclear power plants in various resources.  The majority of our information will be from several literary sources as well as informative web sites dedicated to nuclear power plants.  We will also contact representatives from the EPA as well as representatives from Three Mile Island in regards to safety issues that might concern Oswego County.  Several reactor manufacturers will also be contacted in regards to the ratio of power input to power gained.  We will also question the safety features incorporated into their reactor designs.  We will rely highly on our researched material as well as our knowledge on the subject. 

  We are proposing to investigate several types of large evolutionary light water reactors.  We will compare and contrast the differences of the following types of reactors; Advanced Boiling Water Reactor, Advanced Pressurized Water Reactor, System 80+ Standard Design Pressure, and a basic Water Reactor.  Through this comparison we will determine what suits the needs of New York.  We will investigate the statistics of benefits and harms of these four water reactor types and evaluate whether the benefits out perform the harms.  The developmental risks will be highly taken into consideration, and if our research concludes there are any harms that can be eliminated by negating the proposed construction of the nuclear power plant in Oswego County we will note that in our recommendation.  Our research will also consist of determining exactly how much, if any, energy will be available to be sold of the wholesale market.  We will also be able to determine the revenue that this energy resource will generate.  All the factors combined will aid in our determination of whether or not Oswego County should be in favor of New York’s proposed nuclear plant in there area.

Technology Oriented Company

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